The Unexpected Red Theory
A new theory buzzing around social media at the moment is "The Unexpected Red Theory" This blog post will explore the concept of how this random pop of colour can be the missing link to tie in a whole interior space.

What is the Unexpected Red Theory?
With its origins seeming to have coined from TikTok, this new interior design trick is making waves on social media. Tiktoker and Interior Designer Taylor Simon of intayriors uploaded a viral video in where she states, "The unexpected red theory is basically adding anything that's red, big or small, to a room where it doesn't match at all and it automatically looks better." She goes on to say that she is petitioning for red to be classed as a neutral colour because it looks good with everything.
In an interview with Elle Decor, Taylor went on to add "Red is an iconic and timeless colour, and adding a "pop of red" is nothing new, so I hope the unexpected red theory is seen as more of a rule of thumb rather than a passing trend."
So do we think this is a passing trend or a design philosophy thats here to stay?

Is Red a tricky colour to work with?
Red can be an intimidating colour to work with, and being very bold most people shy away from using it. One bonus of this theory is that it doesn't have to be a big commitment or investment. You can easily sneak a few simple items of red into your interior scheme so try not to be intimidated. There are many easy and subtle ways of working with red that you can incorporate into your space.

Is the Unexpected Red Theory just a passing trend?
As red has been used throughout all genres of interior design throughout the years, perhaps we should see his as more of a design philosphy rather than a trend. It may align with current styles percieved to be in fashion right now, but this colour is absolutely timeless.
New trends for 2025 are seeing the use of red continuing by creating interiors with bold, vibrant and colour washed spaces with rich deep colours. Deep red hues seem to be popular such as oxblood, ochre, clay and terracotta. These rich tones are more earthy so pair well with natural materials such as stones and wood.

Does Red go with everything?
So does red actually look good with everything? The theory suggests that adding this unconventional pop of colour to a room where it wouldn't necessarily match, actually provides a dose of dopamine and will enhance the whole interior space. Red isn't many peoples preferred aesthetic, but a subtle hint here and there may actually transform your space completely. Adding a pop of red apparently automatically makes a space look more put together and styled. Perhaps a pop of red adds a level of sophistication and the sense that a space has been thoughtfully curated?

Red in Colour Psychology
Traditionally, the colour Red is associated with danger, anger, passion and energy - to name a few. Red has been suggested to be a productive choice - especially good for being used in offices and creative spaces. Many brands use red in their logos or on important areas of websites such as "Buy Now" tabs. Red is a strong colour and can be dominant when drawing your eye - so its use here is ideal. Red can also promote excitable feelings as its a stimulating colour. So perhaps the unexpected red theory is correct?

Ways to incorporate Red into your interior
The theory lends to the point that you only need to add a few pops of red into your theme to pull it together. This could be a piece of red artwork, a colour drenched door, an occasional chair or small home accessories such as vases, trays or sculptures. You needn't break the bank with large purchases either. You could paint an existing item of furniture for example. You could even paint your staircase or railings or a doorframe.

What colour Red do I use?
The key to getting this theory right it to find the correct shade of red. If you have more of a neutral colour pallet to work with you may want to determine first if your scheme is warm or cool tone. If you're working with a cool tone scheme such as white and grey you may want to work with the brighter more vibrant shades of red.
If you have more of a warm tone neutral space such as beiges and creams, you may want to look for reds that have a warmer base to the shade. This can still look bold, but you could look to reds that have an orange undertone to them such as rust, terracotta or deep brown reds. These red choices will compliment warm tone interiors. Warm tone reds really do add a feel of luxury and sophistication.

How much Red should you use?
When adding pops of red you want to ensure there is enough contrasting colours within the scheme so your chosen red piece doesn't look lost. For example, you have an all beige interior and just add one red cushion on a sofa. This will not give you the impact you desire and won't look thought out. You will need to add maybe 2 or 3 pieces dotted around the room to pull the scheme together and anchor the space. Ensure there are other complimentary colours to provide contrast. Darker neutrals, other pops of colour and touches of black can all work well.

What makes the use of red in these interior spaces "unexpected" is hard to define, as they could all be carefully and considerably designed from the offset. Regardless of this here is certainly a clear lesson to learn from these spaces. If your room's colour scheme is feeling rather flat, why not try a bit of red? It could be just the thing you're missing.
All of our blog posts are researched and handwritten in house here at Vaunt Design by industry experts.
Featured Image Credit: Decorilla